The Foster Family

The Foster Family
Christian and Grace in Mexico a few years ago.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hard Times

As hard as things have been for me lately, I know others are having it harder.  Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in what is going on in our lives that we forget to be thankful for the wonderful things we have.  My family means everything to me, and I have the most awesome friends!  How can outside things make us lose sight of what really matters?  I have so much to be thankful for, more than I have to complain about for sure.  I hope I can keep that in mind as the economy spirals, and frustrations and temptations come before me. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

Farm Town...

Ok, so my Husband finally got me to get my own facebook page. Then he and his Mom got me to start playing Farm town. Now I also play Farmville, some roller coaster thing, and an aquarium game... NOTHING else is getting done! They are fun but, oh my, I am so far behind on laundry and everything else! Oh well, I guess since I just put in a load of laundry I can go check my crops now. HAHA!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving right along....

Things seem to be moving along on the free daycare.  Suzanne and I are keeping each other motivated and excited about the possibilities for this overwhelming endeavor.  We are so excited about how the Board of Directors is shaping up.  So far we have the Executive Director of The Troy Chamber of Commerce, the incoming President of Missouri Baptist College, our Pastor, and a State Representative!!! 

I have been splitting my days into 4 sections for the past week and a half.  The first part of the day is used for cleaning the house.  The second section is for working to get donations for the daycare.  Third comes calling or going to area businesses to ask them to adopt a family for Christmas because I committed to that a couple weeks ago and there are so many families in need this year.  Lastly, I spend the evening with the family, cooking dinner, making sure they bathe, and just being with them.  I know I am so lucky to have them even though I sometimes just crave time to myself. 

Today I had a lot of running to do and didn't get any of the things done from the above mentioned list, but I did have a job interview so hopefully that will work out.  Of course, then my days will be split even further.....  I did get to have lunch with Curt today so that was nice.  I am so tired right now but dishes are calling so I guess my day is still going whether I want it to be over or not.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Free Daycare???

Free Daycare? How can that be???? Well, believe me it CAN! I have met an amazing woman who is starting the first (that we can find) not-for-profit, free daycare in the United States. She has a building donated for the first year as well as a fire alarm system. She has it Incorporated and is working very hard to get everything in order so she can open as soon as possible. So, I have decided to help her by asking for donations at various businesses and churches and holding fundraisers. We will be having a gently used toy/book drive and a community baby shower to stock our nursery. Of course we can always use cold hard cash so anyone who can help out, please do.

Here is the link for donations:

This daycare is very needed in our community to help people better their lives, whether it be going back to school or starting a new job. There are so many that will benefit from this service. If you are very poor you can qualify for government assisted daycare, but what about those families that work and cannot afford a good daycare? That is where we come in to fill the gap and help families move forward.

There have been several blessings associated with this endeavor and we hope to be a blessing as well. The building was a huge blessing, even though it needs many repairs to get it up to code. Please help us help others by blessing us yet again.